Blockpi, for those who are not familiar with it, is a decentralized RPC network with endless upscaling possibilities.
As you can see on it already offers RPC for Near, Polkadot, Matic, Solana, Kusama, Flow, Hecco, KCC. In addition to the services themselves, leading the requester to the nearest (geographically meaning) L2 RPC provider (That’s us!) is included, thus reducing latency and increasing QoS.
In this tutorial we will explain how to make use of the metrics offered by the Hypernode itself, on our case pointing to our own Klaytn RPC node, to make a Grafana Monitor and, based on it, trigger some alerts as needed if our Hypernode decides to go bananas…
I concentrated myself on the Hypernode specific metrics, but of course, as it might be seen on the second image, a bunch of general server metrics can be added as well, showing the overall health of our Hypernode node.
First of all, it is good to know that Hypernode spins up a prometheus exporter on http://ip:8899/metrics and that is what we are going to take advantage from in our setup.
Part 1: Setting up Grafana
Step 1: Set up the new server
First up you need to set up a new server to run your Hypernode node dashboard. You can set this up to run on your Hypernode server but it is NOT recommended.
Create new AWS EC2 instance
Start by creating for example a new AWS EC2 instance (
- Amazon Machine Image (AMI): Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type
- Instance Type: t3.micro
In this example we will use a t3.micro instance type but it likely work well on a server with less specifications.
Configure Security Groups
Add the following Custom TCP rules to allow inbound traffic to Grafana and Prometheus:
- Grafana
- Type: Custom TCP Rule
- Port Range: 3000
- Description: Grafana
- Prometheus
- Type: Custom TCP Rule
- Port Range: 9090
- Description: Prometheus
Step 2: Installing Prometheus on the new server
Next up you need to install Prometheus on your new server. Prometheus will collect all the real time metrics from your Hypernode machine and store them in a time series database.
Connect to your new AWS instance and follow the following guide to install Prometheus:
If everything worked correctly you should now be able to see Prometheus running by going to http://IP_ADDRESS:9090
(replace IP_ADDRESS with the public IP address of your prometheus server)
Step 3: Install node_exporter on the Hypernode node
As well as the Hypernode specific metrics we also want to capture the server metrics so we can see how the server is performing (eg. RAM usage, CPU, etc.). To enable this you need to install the node_exporter.
Important note: If you want to capture metrics from multiple Hypernode servers where you have access to, then you will need to repeat this step on each node.
Create Prometheus system user / group
We’ll create a dedicated Prometheus system user and group. The -r or –system option is used for this purpose.
sudo groupadd --system prometheus
sudo useradd -s /sbin/nologin --system -g prometheus prometheus
Install node_exporter
Download node_exporter archive.
curl -s \
| grep browser_download_url \
| grep linux-amd64 \
| cut -d '"' -f 4 \
| wget -qi -
Extract downloaded file and move the binary file to /usr/local/bin.
tar -xvf node_exporter*.tar.gz
cd node_exporter*/
sudo cp node_exporter /usr/local/bin
Confirm installation.
node_exporter --version
*node_exporter, version 0.18.1 (branch: HEAD, revision: 3db77732e925c08f675d7404a8c46466b2ece83e)
build user: root@b50852a1acba
build date: 20190604–16:41:18
go version: go1.12.5*
Create node_exporter service.
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/node_exporter.service <<EOF
Description=Node Exporter[Service]
Reload systemd and start the service.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start node_exporter
sudo systemctl enable node_exporter
Confirm status:
systemctl status node_exporter.service
● node_exporter.service — Node Exporter
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/node_exporter.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2019–08–21 23:41:11 CEST; 8s ago
Main PID: 22879 (node_exporter)
Tasks: 6 (limit: 4585)
Memory: 6.6M
CGroup: /system.slice/node_exporter.service
└─22879 /usr/local/bin/node_exporter
Step 4: Configure Prometheus to get Hypernode metrics
Ok, now you have Prometheus and the node exporter installed you need to set it up to get the metrics from the Hypernode node.
Configure Prometheus to retrieve metrics from the Hypernode server
Now you need to configure Prometheus to retrieve the Hypernode metrics.
On the prometheus server open the config file:
sudo nano /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
Update ‘job_name’ to blockpi_hypernode
and replace 'targets' with the IP address of your hypernode server:
# my global config
scrape_interval: 15s # Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. Default is every 1 minute.
evaluation_interval: 15s # Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. The default is every 1 minute.
# scrape_timeout is set to the global default (10s).# Alertmanager configuration
- static_configs:
- targets:
# - alertmanager:9093# Load rules once and periodically evaluate them according to the global 'evaluation_interval'.
# - "first_rules.yml"
# - "second_rules.yml"# A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape:
# Here it's Prometheus itself.
# The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
- job_name: 'general' # metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
# scheme defaults to 'http'. static_configs:
- targets: ['IP_ADDRESS:9100']
instance: 'NODE_NAME'
- job_name: 'blockpi_hypernode'
metrics_path: /metrics static_configs:
- targets: ['IP_ADDRESS:8899']
instance: 'NODE_NAME'
f you want to capture metrics from multiple Hypernode nodes then you can add additional targets accordingly.
Now restart Prometheus:
sudo systemctl restart prometheus
If Prometheus is now working as expected we should be able to view the metrics collected from our Hypernode server.
Open the Prometheus web client again: http://IP_ADDRESS:9090/
replace IP_ADDRESS with the IP address of your Prometheus server
Enter a valid Hypernode metrics such as grpc_server_msg_received_total{grpc_method=”Ping”,grpc_service=”x.blockpi.RelayService”,grpc_type=”unary”} and press execute.
If it’s working as expected you should see the data for the metric selected similar to below:
Step 5: Installing Grafana
Ok now we have all the metrics we want to visualise all them on a fancy dashboard that looks gorgeus :) Grafana is just what we need for this.
Use the following guide to install Grafana on the same server as Prometheus:
If everything worked correctly you should now be able to see Grafana running by going to http://IP_ADDRESS:3000
(replace IP_ADDRESS with the public IP address of your prometheus server)
Step 6: Connect Grafana to Prometheus Data Source
Now to connect Grafana to our data.
Click on the ‘Configuration’ menu option on the left hand side and then ‘Data Sources’ and ‘Add Data Source’.
In the configuration settings for the data source set the following and then click the ‘Save and Test’ button.
- Name: Prometheus Hypernode
- URL: http://localhost:9090
Step 7: Importing my sample Hypernode Node Dashboard
To import the sample Hypernode Node Dashboard click on the ‘Create’ menu on the left and select ‘Import’.
In the ‘Import via panel json’ section paste the following JSON:
You should now see your new Hypernode Node Dashboard!
Part 2: Setting up Grafana Alerts in Discord
If you would like to receive alerts in Discord when your Hypernode Node is down or not replying to requests then continue on!
Select the ‘+’ button in the bottom left of Discord to create a new Discord server, then select ‘Create my own’ and then ‘For me and my friends’.
Give the server a name and click ‘Create’.
Step 2: Set up the webhook integration
Select the ‘edit channel’ button next to the channel name and then select the ‘Integrations’ menu option on the left and select ‘Create Webhook’.
Give the webhook a name and select ‘Copy Webhook URL’ and save.
Step 3: Set up the Discord Notification Channel in Grafana
Open up your Grafana dashboard (http://IP_ADDRESS:3000/) and select ‘Alerts’ and then ‘Notification Channels’.
Select ‘Add Channel’ to add the new notification Channel, give it a name and then select ‘Discord’ as the type, finally paste in the Webhook URL you copied earlier. Select ‘Test’ and you should receive a notification in Discord if everything is working as it should be.
Then a test message is displayed on Discord:
Step 4: Setting up the Alert
Now open the dashboard and go to the panel where you want to set up an alert, select the header and then the ‘Edit’ option. Then, inside of the Alert section, as shown in the image, set up the alert according to your needs:
In my case I went for the sum of GRPC + Data errors > 0
If that triggers to many alerts I might need some tweaking.
So, that’s it. Hope you get it to work too! :)